We All Need Soft Skills

According to the 2019 Talent Trends research conducted by LinkedIn, 91% of employers stated that finding employees with soft skills is a challenge. Soft skills, often known as workplace or power skills, are nontechnical skills. They involve human interaction, or emotional intelligence.

Examples include:

  • communication

  • empathy

  • positive attitude

  • time management 

  • other interpersonal skills.

Soft skills are often taken for granted because we think we posses them, and in some ways we do. Most people can write an email, show up to work on time, or sympathize with a colleague. But, we really need to ask ourselves:

  • Are my emails and conversations effectively expressing what I need to get across?

  • Can I have crucial conversations with peers, management, or customers while remaining calm and collected?

  • Can I empathize with my coworkers or employees enough to understand what motivates them?

  • When I take the lead, do others willing follow because they believe in my vision?

Teachers, help your students overcome this barrier by providing them with soft skills training. Athena Scholastic is excited to announce their newest publication “Soft Skill Activities: Fostering Necessary Skills for College and Career Success”. This book provides information on the top six skills employers are looking for and twenty-one activities teachers can infuse into any lesson to teach and reinforce those skills. Six of the activities included modifications for distance learning.

Grab you copy today! Available on Amazon and Teachers Pay Teachers.


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